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Written Reviews 

Jan 19, 2021

Review of Pocket BVM by Doc Delta

Aquí minireview comparativa del dispositivo MicroBVM que ha despertado cierto hype por su utilización en entorno tactico por llevarlo unidades médicas de OperacionesEspeciales

Review of Pocket BVM by Doc Delta

May 18, 2019

Review of the Pocket BVM by Kelly Grayson

The Micro BVM is a full-functional adult BVM with mask, oxygen tubing and reservoir, fully compatible with most aftermarket PEEP valves. The manufacturer touts it as being 75% smaller when stored than a standard BVM.

Review of the Pocket BVM by Kelly Grayson

Jan 3, 2018

Product review in Polish by Daniel Suchodolski

Pocket BVM (Bag Valve Mask) to kompaktowy resuscytator dla osoby dorosłej (powyżej 40 kg m.c.) który umożliwia prowadzenie prawidłowej wentylacji ręcznej. Niewielkie rozmiary opakowania 13 cm średnicy i ok 6,5cm wysokości nie wpływają negatywnie na jego funkcjonalność. Waga całości to 465 gramy.

Product review in Polish by Daniel Suchodolski

Jun 26, 2017

Timothy Gray from Destination Medicine review of Micro BVM’s products

So Why a Micro-BVM? Destination Medicine is a unique emergency medical rescue service that specialises in austere medicine and remote access medical services.

Timothy Gray from Destination Medicine review of Micro BVM’s products

Dec 28, 2016

When Space Matters As Much As Performance by Dave Konig

Space saving in Event Medical equipment bags is important. You do not want your single posted provider’s response delayed due to needlessly bulky or heavy equipment that limits their maneuverability and hinders their ability to reach the patient.

When Space Matters As Much As Performance by Dave Konig

Apr 6, 2016

Pocket BVM review by Dan Walsh

Compare the Pocket BVM to your standard one the benefits are seen straight away it doesn’t take up half the space of the conventional one and saves massive space...

Pocket BVM review by  Dan Walsh

Mar 3, 2016

Pocket BVM review by Kari Dickerson

I eagerly awaited the arrival of my PocketBVM. I love various gadgets and things, so the idea that a company ‘reinvented the wheel’ so to speak piqued my interest and I had to get my hands on a PocketBVM.

Pocket BVM review by Kari Dickerson

Nov 15, 2015

Pocket BVM review by TangoMikeTM

A bag valve mask, abbreviated to BVM and sometimes known by the proprietary name Ambu bag or generically as a manual resuscitator or “self-inflating bag”, is a hand-held device...

Pocket BVM review by TangoMikeTM

Oct 27, 2015

10 items I carry in my Vehicle Trauma Bag

When it comes to carrying around medical gear in my personal car I am a minimalist… I am now that is. When I was a new medic I pretty much drove around in a rapid response ambulance/trauma bay.

10 items I carry in my Vehicle Trauma Bag

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